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Town of Newtown______________________________________________
PBSC Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2009 7:00p.m.
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission held Tuesday May 26, 2009 in the Staff Lounge at the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT:  Chairman Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, Joseph Whelan, James Juliano, Thomas Catalina, Peter Samoskevich

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Joseph Borst, Clerk of the Works William Knight, Morganti Group representative Arthur Lindley, Fletcher & Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Tai Soo Kim representative Jerry Waters and O&G Project Manager John Cross.  Two members of the public.

1. Public Participation
None Noted

2. Approval of Minutes from April 28, 2009
Mr. Mitchell stated that the figures in the minutes on page two in the motion to advise the Board of Selectman of the High School bidding process are correct.

Mr. Samoskevich moved to approve the minutes of April 28, 2009 as submitted. Mr. Whelan seconded motion.  All were in favor.

3. High School Expansion Project
Mr. Lindley of the Morganti Group read from a summary book prepared for the meeting to summarize the progress so far.  Mr. Lindley noted that the silt fencing is up, the trailer is in, there is more topsoil on the site than originally expected, the High School Athletic crew has been helpful, soon compaction testing will commence and the foundations will start after school is out for the summer.  Mr. Lindley stated that the completion dates are still on target.  Regarding security measures, the orange construction fencing will shortly be converted to metal fencing.
Mr. Lindley also explained that the summary book detailing project completion to date has all Trade Contractors and Architects listed however any contacts are asked to go through Morganti first, the summaries to follow will have more financial detail.  The summary books are being kept with Town of Newtown Financial Director, Bob Tait as well as an additional copy in the First Selectman’s office.

3d. Review of Applications for payment
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment from Fletcher & Thompson for High School re-bidding fees in the amount of $66, 629.76.


Mr. D’Angelo moved to proceed and for First Selectman to authorize FF&E portable classrooms.  Mr. Catalina seconded motion.  All were in favor.
Portable Classrooms
Mr. Costa of Fletcher & Thompson (Attachment A to original minutes – Proposal for FF&E Design Services) stated that this is for furniture to go in the portable classrooms and to eventually be moved into the permanent structure when complete.

The goal, Mr. Costa explained is to purchase as close to the same furniture that will be purchased for the High School addition.  Mr. Costa also went on to explain that the temporary/ or portable classrooms are not to take the place of any room in particular but to meet the anticipated enrollment.

First Selectman Joseph Borst stated that the furniture purchased needs to be inventoried to make sure that it gets to the new (permanent) building when completed.

Mr. Knight stated that the portable classrooms should be inspected by Gino.  Mr. Mitchell stated that he’d like a one page verification that they have in fact been inspected.  The inspection should determine that the portables are in good condition and have no damage or mold problem.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to give authorization to precede with FF&E design services for portable classrooms at Newtown High School.  Mr. Whelan seconded.  All were in favor.

Field Directive Policy
Additionally regarding the High School renovation and expansion project, Mr. Mitchell stated that, Clerk of the Works, Mr. Knight should have automatic on-site authority to give authorization on job continuance for any unexpected event up to $50,000.  Mr. D’Angelo added that this should be contingent on an emergency contact (Public Building & Commission member) be notified when such an event and authorization is in order.  All work so authorized would be subject to time and materials records with verification should a change order be processed.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to authorize Mr. Knight to have on site or field authorization, in the event of an emergency or unexpected event through out the on going construction, to authorize up to but not to exceed $50,000 in time & materials.  Mr. Catalina seconded. All were in favor.   Mr Borst will determine if approval by the Board of Selectman is required for this motion.

4. – 5. Fairfield Hills Public Works and Town Hall (status of project)
O&G Project Manager John Cross addressed that Commission regarding Newtown Town Offices project and Monthly Progress report #5 (Attachment B to original minutes).  Mr. Cross stated that there has been more progress in some areas as opposed to others but the

project is still on schedule.  The budget is also on track, the line item contingencies are gone for the most part.  The Fire Pump has a figure assigned to it that it will not exceed which has basically been absorbed in contingency.   The modification has been sent in to the State and the Town Fire Marshall has signed off as well.

Mr. Cross went on to address Change Order #7 the Land Use changes regarding their office space.   The framing is almost complete and any changes brought up at this point would require demolition.

The equipment for the Communications room must be requested as soon as possible.  Additionally, the Board of Education must start process of submitting to the State for reimbursement.

The Power & Data Layout is now requiring an additional 59 outlets (per the IT Dept.)  This includes Data Points and outlets.  

Mr. Borst added that the goal for the IT Dept. is to have a sign on or permit system from one location where as now it’s spread between multiple locations.

Permanent Electrical Power
Mr. Cross stated that three phase permanent power is needed as soon as possible.  O&G will prepare a proposal to extend the FHA infrastructure to the Town Hall site.

Other Town Hall Items
Furniture and phone systems need to be purchased immediately to make sure they are installed in the Town Hall prior to occupancy.

The Commission and Mr. Cross discussed water in the basement of Bridgeport Hall in the elevator pit.  The water is coming through a point in the perimeter of the concrete slab.  Mr. Cross stated that the water table in the area is very high; there are a few options to resolve to problem.   Install French or curtain drains around the building using 12 inch perforated pipe, installing a sump pump or finally cutting into a section of the concrete slab. The preferable and more permanent solution would be to install the curtain drains around the perimeter of the building from the handicap ramp (or south) side, to the Greenwich House to the Tax Collectors side.  O&G will prepare a proposal to perform the corrective actions.

Mr. Cross addressed the possibility of having a Glycol additive added to the heating coils to prevent freezing.  He stated the risk is relatively low for having a 6-8 hour freeze, and if it were to happen the system could be drained.  Mr. Mitchell suggested the use of a transfer switch to a portable emergency generator may also be a solution. O&G along with BVH will prepare a proposal to perform the corrective actions.


Mr. Borst asked if Mr. Cross had received the report from Maureen Will transferring the phones to the new building.   Mr. Cross had not received anything regarding the phone system.   Mr Borst will follow up.

Mr. Jerry Waters of Tai Soo Kim presented to the Commission the furniture choices (color and style) for the new Town Offices for the Commission to approve so that all furniture and materials may be ordered and the project may continue.

Mr. D’Angelo moved that the Public Building & Site Commission, acting as building committee for the Board of Education, approve the furniture plan and selection as presented by Tai Soo Kim for Bridgeport Hall or the new Town Hall Building as formerly approved by various Town departments.
Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

(Additional Attachments [C & D] to original minutes –
 Bridgeport Hall Progress Reports for weeks of 5/11 & 5/18 as submitted by Clerk of the Works Mr. William Knight.)

5b. Review of Applications for payment
Mr. Mitchell presented Change Order #7 in the amount of $18, 227.18 for Land Use Office layout changes and as reviewed by Mr. Knight.  
Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve Change Order #7 in the amount of $18,227.18 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Whelan seconded.  All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment #D0014 in the amount of $1,512,855.54 as reviewed by Mr. Knight.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve application for payment #D0014 in the amount of $1,512,855.54 pending the availability of funds.   Mr. Whelan seconded motion. All were in favor.

6. Community Center
Mr. Cross stated that Park & Recreation has met with Ames & Whitaker, who are planning on attending the June PBSC meeting for a presentation.
Mr. Cross will contact Mr. Mitchell to determine if they will definitely be attending so that their presentation can be an item on the agenda.

7. Unfinished Business – Change Order Process
Mr. Mitchell stated that the Change Order Process has been reviewed by Morganti and they have no changes or concerns regarding the process.  Currently the Town does not have any set procedure or guidelines to follow for Change Orders.  Mr Mitchell requested


that the Commission and Mr Borst review the process and provide comments for the next meeting.

8. New Business – Election of Officers
Mr. Mitchell moved that the Commission retain the current Officers through January 2010.   Mr. Whelan seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell asked if Mr. Borst was aware of any new business that would affect the Public Building & Site Commission.
Mr. Borst stated that the only upcoming project is the new Animal Shelter.

9. Adjournment
Having no further business, the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission adjourned at 9:40p.m.

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk